Georgian Bay Township
Historical Society
Welcome to the Archive portion of our website.
Collecting pictures from the past has mostly been easy as we are fortunate to have some longtime residents as members in our society. Others in the community were proud to forward their valuable paper photos covering either personal recollections or what previous generations had left them – often accompanied in spirit by a story or two. Sometimes quite factual but often embellished just to keep it alive. We can be a bit flexible but will follow the boundaries of our policies as covered on our Home Page.
But what do we do with these precious treasures of the past to preserve them for next generations, as well as certainly share them for all? That is what has driven us to build this functionality here. It is a long process, and being volunteers we all have other interests and likely priorities, so be patient with our progress. We are keen and often optimistic.
So, if you would like to join us in our efforts and extend our collection with pictures or possibly documents of your own, we welcome that. (Electronic format makes things easier for us but we can certainly scan prints, in which case we could return the originals to you if you wish.)
But sometimes what is more valuable to us is that story that goes with the image. We are hoping to capture those here as well. Also, many of the pictures that we already have, we know little about; what the true subject is, the approximate year it was taken, or anything else of interest. We hope you can help there with anything that you see. Click our “Contact” page to reach us.

Your Privacy (The small print)
If you are considering submitting items for our website archives, please read:
We appreciate any concerns about privacy pertaining to personal photos. Our policy states that reuse of content from this website requires written authorization from us. Although, please recognize that we are dealing with a publicly accessed domain and, once we exhibit photos, we cannot guarantee they will not be copied, whether with utilities or simply screen shots. This should be considered.
We ask that you use our Contact Us form for any submissions, which requires inclusion of a release clause allowing us to display your items, as well as acknowledging the possibility of unauthorized copying.
Please contact us separately for large collections, or for serious privacy concerns, to discuss options.
Below are several viewing options for looking through our archives. This section is still being developed as our needs become more obvious. Best way to use this is just try it.
Viewing is best done from a laptop or desktop because of the potential large number of items being displayed.
We have only just started !

Archive Statistics
Photos Loaded 181
Docs Loaded 0
Collections Loaded 2
Pictures in process 1378
If you have thoughts on how better to search our archives please let us know your ideas. We won’t promise that we can accommodate it but we will get back to you one way or another.